Most people will either love or hate this film, all because of one crucial scene near the end of it. I’ll get to that issue in a minute, but let’s look at the rest first. Let me say that I enjoyed this film. I loved the acting. No performance was lackluster. Henry Cavill and the two other actors that play Clark Kent at ages 9 and 13 are all perfect. I’ve heard there was some CGI enhancement of Cavill’s musculature, so he looked beefy enough for the role. I don’t know if that’s the case, or if it’s all natural muscle, but I can say that this is the first actor to play Superman in live action film or TV that looks beefy enough to me. Christopher Reeve was skinny as a pole. Brandon Routh was even skinnier. This guy looks like my vision of Superman. As for the rest of the cast? Amy Adams’s Lois could have used more to do on screen, but she gets her moments. This isn’t a Lois film though, it’s about someone else. I expect she’ll have a meatier role in the next one. As for Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner, and Diane Lane? Fine performances all around, and they add to the film. And that’s coming from someone who loves Lane, couldn’t care one way or the other about Crowe, and actively dislikes Costner.
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Kane Gilmour
"LOL. That was nine years ago, but you're welcome! I should finally have ..."
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