Kane Gilmour

International Bestselling Author of The Crypt of Dracula

Category: Inspiration (Page 5 of 6)

Thriller Author Jeremy Robinson’s e-Book Empire Expands: Chesspocalypse Now

Jeremy Robinson is the author of several bestselling thrillers. His Jack Sigler / Chess Team novels from Thomas Dunne Books (an imprint of St. Martin’s Press) have earned him legions of voracious fans. Now he is becoming a huge name in e-books and self publishing (after initially making a name for himself with self publishing and small press publishing before getting noticed by St. Martin’s).  He’s got a tremendous output of new material and the latest is a series of Chess Team novellas with co-authors.

Jeremy graciously took the time to answer a few questions about this series of novellas.

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The Top Ten Books Every Writer Should Own

Just a quick post here before I get the next review up.

It occurred to me that while working on RESURRECT, I read a lot of good books on writing and a lot of bad books. A lot of what I learned is obsolete now too.

Still, for those looking for some good information on writing, the world of getting an agent or publisher, and self-publishing, these are the places to go. My totally subjective list of the 10 books every author (published, self-published, or pre-published) should own:

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Brett Battles Interview

Award-winning thriller author, Brett Battles has just thrown his name into the ring along with other published authors who are seeing the possibilities with self-publishing their work as e-books. His new thriller, LITTLE GIRL GONE, has just been released. His new paperback, THE SILENCED, is out this month as well. Plus he has a few other surprises for us.

brett battlesThanks for taking the time to answer some questions for us, Brett. What made you decide to release LITTLE GIRL GONE as an e-book?

Several factors actually. I’ve been keeping a close eye on the growing e-book market, and the ability for authors to get their work out there faster and in a way where they control everything. That had a lot of appeal to me. I write a lot faster than my books have been coming out, and this gives me the opportunity of getting that work out there a lot sooner.

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Free Steven Pressfield Book!

One of the blog posts I have in mind to write here (and haven’t even started yet), is a listing of essential books for the writer–whether that writer is published or pre-published.

One of the books on that list (and perhaps the most important one) is The War of Art: Break Through the Block and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield. I haven’t read any of Steven’s fiction yet, but that little slim volume of non-fiction is worth its weight in gold to a writer.

Do the WorkToday I discovered that Steven has a new book available on the Kindle for free. That’s right. Free. The new book is called Do The Work, and it’s more of a step-by-step workbook to getting through a project. GE is sponsoring the book for a limited time, so go snatch it up now, while it’s free. It could end up being the most important book you read as a writer, whether you are a seasoned pro or a newbie. It will most certainly be a useful tool if you are thinking of jumping into the fray of the newly self-published in the world of e-books.

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