Coming soon from Quickdraw Books, my little imprint.
WARBIRDS OF MARS: STORIES OF THE FIGHT! is an anthology featuring some amazing talents. The book will debut at the Phoenix Comicon on May 23rd. Book is edited by myself and Scott P. Vaughn.
Coming soon from Quickdraw Books, my little imprint.
WARBIRDS OF MARS: STORIES OF THE FIGHT! is an anthology featuring some amazing talents. The book will debut at the Phoenix Comicon on May 23rd. Book is edited by myself and Scott P. Vaughn.
Holy Hannah! Four months have gone by since I last posted here on the blog. In my defense, a lot has happened. First, my daughter, Moira Dawn Gilmour, was born on January 11th, and against my will, I delivered her. Well, I was pretty happy about it, but I had delivered my son in 2004, and I was supposed to be taking care of him while our awesome midwife handled things upstairs, but things went far too quickly and she didn’t make it to the house on time. Oh well. Didn’t drop this one either so I’m two for two. Mother and daughter are both doing fine.
RESURRECT has been doing well with e-book sales, and I’ve even had some print sales too. The book has received some great blurbs from fellow authors and some great reviews—about half of them from people I don’t know, so that’s alright. E. Bard did a great review of the book on the ThrillReads and Reviews blog and it also appeared on the Thrillers Rock Twitter blog. The amazing Kent Holloway, publisher and author of THE DJINN, also performed a lengthy interview with me on his blog. Thanks Kent!
I’ve had some requests for a hardcover edition of RESURRECT, and naturally, I’d like my own copy as well. I’m going to try to put one together, and I’ll announce it here when it’s ready. It will likely have a few sample chapters from the next full-length Jason Quinn novel and an interview with yours truly. It might have a Jason Quinn short story too (depends if I can come up with a reasonable idea and if I can fit it into my suddenly busy writing schedule—more on that later). Reader Shannon Marshall suggested I include maps and diagrams—something I had always imagined for the book if I had it published by a New York publisher in hardcover. As it turns out, I probably wouldn’t have been able to get that done if I had gone through a traditional publisher anyway. I hope to implement Shannon’s suggestion too. If the experience goes well, I’ll be doing all my books in hardcover first.
So where the hell have I been?
Week by week, the webcomic I write for creator and artist Scott ‘Doc’ Vaughn, called Warbirds of Mars, has been filling the internets with wacky Martians and late 1940s pulpy intrigue and old-fashioned goodness. Go take a peek if you haven’t already made friends with Jack Paris, Josie Taylor, Hunter Noir, and the mysterious Mr. Mask. The comic lives here.
My first thriller, RESURRECT, is languishing on the desk of an agent in New York, who is notorious for taking a long time to get back to people. But I hear he likes it. So that’s good news…
[Note: I’m making some streamlining changes here on the site. Gonna be fewer pages overall and more posts here on the main page. Instead of maintaining a static Writing Page, I’m just going to drop updates in here from time to time. I’ve also done away with the inspriation page–I’ll be placing reviews of things I like here in the main section as well.]
Writing Update:
I completed Resurrect on 10 Aug 2010. I finished edits on 30 Dec 2010. The book is now with my First Reader. The book has been proofread and I’ll incorporate my First Reader’s feedback, then I’ll be sending it out to agents.
After Resurrect:
I’ve started work in earnest on the next book. It’s a YA paranormal adventure called Monster Kingdom. I plan to self-publish it as an e-book.
I have one other novel I hope to knock out (a Mystery) before I turn to Frozen, the sequel to Resurrect.
Short Stories:
I’ve completed a couple of short stories. “The Firmament of Night” and “The Wound in the Woods” are both a bit Lovecraftesque short horror tales. I’m still looking for a home for both.
Web Comics:
Warbirds of Mars is coming near the end of its first arc. Scott launched the website on 22 July, 2010. Feedback has been positive. He came up with the idea for what is now Week 9 and also for what is now Week 20. I’ve plotted out Week 24 is out now and Week 26 will wrap this first story arc. Scott expects to have a printed version of the comic ready for the Phoenix ComicCon in May. He’ll be there. I might be but it isn’t looking too good right now.
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Kane Gilmour
"LOL. That was nine years ago, but you're welcome! I should finally have ..."
Daryl Mallett
"Thanks for the shout-out, Kane. It's been a long and winding road for ..."
"Very cool!!! "
Doc Vaughn
"Thanks, guys. Lynn, I'm sorry to hear times have been so trying. Hope ..."