It’s the Return of the Revenge of the Ass in the Chair series of blog posts that I started…a long frickin’ time ago. Where have I been? Haven’t I been following my own advice? I have, actually. I was paying the bills. The last entry in the AitC series was two years ago. In that time, I released an anthology I edited, two full-length novels, a novella, a guidebook, and a handful of short stories. I ghost-wrote a novel. Twice. I also edited dozens of books and formatted over fifty. I dealt with personal problems like everyone else, too. Life got in the way. But I still got writing done. I’m going to tell you how. It wasn’t pretty.
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Yep. My first and probably only blog post in 2014. Obviously I plan to do better in 2015.
So where have I been? I started the year off with severe hallucination-giving flu. At the time, I was writing the fifth and final installment of ‘Season 1’ of Jeremy Bishop’s REFUGE series, which we released first as a serial, in five parts, and later as a collected novel. My part, BONFIRES BURNING BRIGHT, was full of hallucinatory madness and crazy action. I should have blogged at the time to announce it but…yeah. Sick. Hoping there will be a ‘Season 2.’ You can help by buying the collected novel or the individual parts, and by spreading the word about it.

Yep. I’m one of the converted. Sometime in the 70s, on a lonely afternoon, I stumbled across the strange warbling theme song of Doctor Who on PBS. I was instantly entranced, and the rubber monsters the bug-eyed fourth Doctor, Tom Baker, encountered, were right up my alley. I didn’t always know when the show was on, but if I happened to be flipping channels and it was on, I’d watch.
Years later in the 80s, my stepfather watched the adventures of the fifth and sixth doctors religiously, and I would tune out thinking how bad the sets and effects were by 80s standards, and thinking those guys weren’t the real Doctor. My stepfather had explained the regeneration thing to me, but I really was only interested if a Tom Baker re-run was showing.
Recent Comments
Kane Gilmour
"LOL. That was nine years ago, but you're welcome! I should finally have ..."
Daryl Mallett
"Thanks for the shout-out, Kane. It's been a long and winding road for ..."
"Very cool!!! "
Doc Vaughn
"Thanks, guys. Lynn, I'm sorry to hear times have been so trying. Hope ..."